Power Cycling
We diagnose and repair faulty power supplies, aging capacitors, and loose connections to ensure your vintage audio equipment receives consistent power.
Belt Replacement
If your vintage audio equipment uses belts, such as in turntables or cassette decks, we replace them to ensure smooth operation and accurate playback.
Intermittent Sound Output
Our technicians identify and rectify issues such as deteriorated wiring, worn-out components, or malfunctioning amplifier circuits, restoring proper sound output.
Distorted or Muffled Sound
We diagnose and repair damaged speakers, worn-out capacitors, or faulty signal processing circuits, ensuring your vintage audio system produces clear and high-quality sound.
Turntable Speed Inaccuracy
We address turntable speed inaccuracies by replacing worn-out belts, resolving motor issues, and aligning speed control mechanisms to ensure accurate playback.
Tape Deck Playback or Recording Problems
We troubleshoot and repair vintage tape decks, replace worn-out heads, align tape transport mechanisms, and restore proper functionality for playback and recording.
Radio Tuner Reception Issues
Our technicians address poor reception, weak signals, and tuning problems in vintage radio tuners by replacing outdated components, resolving antenna issues, and restoring optimal circuitry performance.
Crackling or Popping Noise
We clean potentiometers, contacts, and connections to eliminate crackling or popping noises, ensuring a clean audio experience.
Cosmetic Damage and Wear
Our restoration services include addressing cosmetic issues such as scratches, faded lettering, and damaged control knobs, rejuvenating the appearance of your vintage audio equipment.